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Unboxing banking for the modern world

Seamlessly launch new products, expand into new markets with our lightweight, component-based infrastructure

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The SwiffyLabs’ architecture for unparalleled growth

Light Weight svg


Solutions meticulously crafted to be modular, powering seamless customization

Modular svg


Lightweight architecture with  plug-and-play components, and smart build tools for flexible customization and expansion

Scalable svg


Our solutions evolve with your business, ensuring sustainable growth & adaptability

Highly Configurable Svg

Highly Configurable

Leverage a modular architecture, plug-and-play components, and smart build tools for flexible customization and expansion

Fast time to market Svg

Fast Time to Market

Accelerate journey with our streamlined approach, ensuring swift time-to-market for your products

Embedded Svg


Experience Seamless Integration Across Multiple Platforms and Services, Fully Integrated with Relevant APIs

The lending stack of the future


Launch lending services, including Embedded Finance, with easy onboarding, intuitive UI/UX, and risk management.

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Adaptive flows svg

Adaptive flows

Completely configurable user journeys that empower most creative product design

Channel Agnostic Svg

Channel agnostic

Enables fast integration with all digital channels and networks

embedded ready

Embedded ready

Powers multiple user journeys across all interfaces

Pre-Integrated svg


PI layer connecting to 30+ of key services (eg KYC, credit bureau)

DPi First Svg


Fully compatible with all new digital public infrastructure; AA, ONDC, OCEN and more

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